Lara's Bedside Tips for Home, Bedroom and Garden

Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray Review

Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray Review
Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray Review

Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray is a non-toxic, odorless, and child- and pet-safe spray that kills bed bugs and mites on contact. It is made with a blend of active ingredients including natural dessicants like citric acid, sodium laurel sulfate, and sodium chloride.

These ingredients are generally regarded as safe, though you might not want any of them on your skin as they could be irritating.

Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray Review


  • Non-toxic, and does not smell for the most part if properly mixed by shaking the bottle before use
  • Safe for use around children and pets
  • Effective at killing bed bugs and mites on contact
  • Prevents bed bugs from returning
  • Easy to use, just point and spray x
  • Affordable


  • May not be effective against all bed bug infestations when used alone
  • May not have strong residual effect
  • May not be as effective against bed bug eggs as other solutions
  • May not be as effective as some other commercial bed bug sprays or diatomaceous earth
  • Customers have complained the amount you receive is smaller than expected, thus making ordering enough for a really large job prohibitively expensive
  • Spray bottle may leak

Overall, Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray is a safe and effective option for killing bed bugs and mites. It is a good choice for people who are looking for a natural and non-toxic solution. However, it is important to note that this spray may not be effective against all bed bug infestations.

If you have a really bad infestation of bed bugs, you may need to contact a professional bed bug pest control company.

Additional Tips for Using Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray

If you are considering using Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer and Mite Spray, I recommend reading the reviews on Amazon and other online retailers before making a purchase.

  • Read the instructions carefully before using the spray. This will help you to use the spray safely and effectively.
  • Avoid spraying the spray in your eyes or mouth. If you do get the spray in your eyes or mouth, rinse the area with water immediately.
  • Keep the spray out of reach of children and pets. The spray is non-toxic, but it can still be harmful if ingested. Don’t spray your pets directly.
  • Ventilate the area after applying the spray. This will help to remove the essential oils from the air.
  • Repeat the application as needed. You may need to apply the spray multiple times to completely kill the bed bugs and mites.

Overall, Premo Guard Bed Bug Killer (4.1/5 stars) is pretty effective and affordable. Premo Guard also has additional products and bundles to help you deal with getting mites out of your laundry, remove mites from your chickens if you’re homesteading, and specific pet products for cats and dogs.