Lara's Bedside Tips for Home, Bedroom and Garden

Let’s Get Gardening

Getting Started Gardening Right and What Plants to Grow
Getting Started Gardening Right and What Plants to Grow

Gardening has been practiced throughout history by people of all cultures and in all parts of the world. In ancient Egypt, for example, gardens were used to provide food and medicine, as well as to create beautiful and tranquil spaces. In ancient Greece, gardens were associated with learning and philosophy, and were often used as settings for teaching and discussion.

Today, gardening is a popular hobby for people of all ages and interests. There are many different types of gardens, from small backyard gardens to large public gardens. Some people garden for the beauty of it, while others garden to grow their own food for homesteading. Still others garden for the therapeutic benefits that it can provide.

Benefits of Gardening

Whatever the reason, gardening is a rewarding activity that can bring people closer to nature and to each other. It is a way to connect with the earth, to express creativity, and to find peace and tranquility.

Let’s name some benefits off real quick so we can stay motivated come planting time:

  • Improved mental health. Gardening has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve cognitive function and memory.
  • Physical health benefits. Gardening can help to improve cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure, and strengthen muscles and bones. It can also help to lose weight and improve overall fitness. And funnily enough, gardening also helps people get more fiber in the diet, which is never bad!
  • Environmental benefits. Gardening can help to improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and attract wildlife. It can also help to conserve water and reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides.
  • Social benefits. Gardening can be a great way to connect with friends and family, and to meet new people. It can also be a way to get involved in your community and make a difference.

If you are interested in getting started with gardening, there are many resources available to help you. You can find books, websites, and even local gardening clubs that can provide you with information and advice.

How to Start a Garden

Here are some tips on how to start a garden, what plants are easy to grow, how to care for plants, and how to prevent pests and diseases.

  1. Choose a location. The best location for a garden is one that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. It should also be well-drained and not too shady.
  2. Prepare the soil. The soil should be loose and fertile. If the soil is poor, you may need to add compost or other organic matter.
  3. Choose the right plants. When choosing plants, consider your climate, the amount of sunlight you get, and your personal preferences. Some easy-to-grow plants include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, peas, and lettuce.
  4. Plant the seeds or seedlings. Follow the instructions on the seed packet or seedling tag to plant your seeds or seedlings at the correct depth and spacing.
  5. Water regularly. Water your plants deeply and regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  6. Fertilize as needed. Fertilize your plants according to the directions on the fertilizer label.
  7. Control pests and diseases. Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and take steps to control them if necessary.

As you can see, it requires some forethought, planning, and follow-through. But check on your plants every once in a while, and before you know it, you’ll be the one with all the delicious, fresh produce and pretty flowers to show for.

What Plants are Easy to Grow?

It’s best to start out with useful and nutritious foods that are forgiving to a new gardener. Some easy-to-grow plants include:

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a popular choice for home gardens. They are relatively easy to grow and can be found in a variety of varieties.
  • Peppers: Peppers are another popular choice for home gardens. They come in a variety of colors and flavors.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers are a refreshing and versatile vegetable. They are relatively easy to grow and can be harvested throughout the summer.
  • Beans: Beans are a good source of protein and fiber. They are relatively easy to grow and can be harvested in a few weeks.
  • Peas: Peas are a delicious and nutritious vegetable. They are relatively easy to grow and can be harvested in a few weeks.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce is a cool-weather vegetable that is easy to grow. It can be harvested in a few weeks and is a good source of vitamins A and C.

Just that assortment alone is a fine and dandy addition to your dinner table. Don’t forget about visually-stunning decorative, edible flowers for teas and medicines as well.

How to Care for Plants

How to care for the plants in your garden and prevent pests and diseases

In addition to watering and fertilizing your plants, there are a few other things you can do to care for them:

Weed regularly. Weeds compete with your plants for water and nutrients. Manually pulling out weeds is a better solution for a small garden then spraying, in my opinion.

Mulch around your plants. Mulch helps to retain moisture and suppress weeds. Preparing your soil bed with fish and bone meal can often provide some added nutrient base to the soil too. Composting and mulching can both be effective soil-boosters.

Inspect your plants regularly for pests and diseases. If you see any problems, take steps to control them immediately. Seek out natural solutions when you can. Diatomaceous earth is amazing against parasites, not only bed bugs! And it’s so safe it washes off, but if you were to eat some, it’d probably be alright. Check it out on Amazon.

Deadhead flowers. Deadheading flowers encourages new growth. This just frees up resources for new flowers.

Harvest your plants when they are ripe. This will encourage them to produce more fruit or vegetables. It doesn’t have to be all at once, either. You can pull a tomato off the vine without harvesting them all.

How to Prevent Pests and Diseases

There are a few things you can do to prevent pests and diseases from affecting your plants:

  • Choose resistant varieties. Some plants are more resistant to pests and diseases than others.
  • Plant healthy plants. Start with healthy plants and take care of them properly.
  • Inspect your plants regularly. If you see any problems, take steps to control them immediately.
  • Use natural pest control methods. There are many natural ways to control pests and diseases. Use diatomaceous earth or other natural solutions before resorting to something extreme that may not even work as well.

I hope these tips help you get started with gardening. After your first harvest, you’ll immediately see the value of growing plants, especially once you eat a fresh salad of kale straight from the garden just minutes prior to eating. The freshness is really unparalleled!

Conclusion: Why It’s Best to Be Gardening

After Greece, the practice of gardening continued to evolve throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. In the 16th century, Italian gardens became known for their elaborate designs and use of water features. In the 17th century, French gardens became known for their formal layouts and symmetry.

In the 18th century, the English garden movement began, which emphasized the importance of natural beauty and informality in garden design. This movement had a profound impact on gardening practices around the world, and continues to influence garden design today.

Having your own garden can be a place of rest and production. Growing my own vegetables remains one of the most rewarding outdoor activities I ever ventured to do, and just more proof that scarcity is an artificial concept.